ACAC has raised the bar surrounding infrared thermography. ACAC has the highest standards for those seeking Infrared certification. No other company or association has the bar so high. We at EATs feel seeking the highest standards is a must when it comes to the trust of the public and their project(s). Below is an outline of the certification requirements of an Council-certified Environmental Thermographer Consultant:

CETC certification must demonstrate academic and experience-related eligibility
Applicants must possess one of the following combinations of eight (8) years education and relevant field experience:

4-year post-secondary degree or its equivalent (30 credit hours) in engineering, science, architecture, industrial hygiene or related field of science with a minimum of four (4) years of documented field experience in environmental thermography consulting.

A 2-year post-secondary degree or its equivalent (15 credit hours) in engineering, science, architecture, industrial hygiene or related field of science with a minimum of six (6) years of documented field experience in environmental thermography consulting.

No degree, with at least eight (8) years of documented field experience in environmental thermography consulting. (High school diploma or GED required.)
Experience should include investigations, consulting and/or report writing and must be documented by verifiable investigation reports or building investigation contracts included with the application packet (“Required Documentation” below).

The Required Body of Knowledge:
The effective practice of environmental thermography consulting requires specialized knowledge of a variety of subjects, including current standards and best practices. For certification purposes, the candidate for the CETC designation must demonstrate familiarity with the basic concepts and reference materials of the industry, such as those summarized in the following list.

American Council for Accredited Certification, Code of Conduct,

Peng Lee and Eugene Bramlett, Practical Infrared Thermography, (Home Safe Home

The Required Skills:
A Council-certified Environmental Thermography Consultant (CETC) has demonstrated the following skills through a combination of documented experience, documented education and training and the successful completion of an examination process.
Apply basic principles of thermal and infrared physics to building inspections
The Physics of Energy Infrared Instruments Principles of Thermal Imaging Infrared System Parameters Interpretation of Infrared Images Basic Principles of Thermodynamics Material Thermal Properties

Heat Transfer

Choose, calibrate and operate infrared equipment effectively

Understand hardware used in infrared thermography

Choose an infrared camera

Operate an infrared camera

Optimize an infrared image

Overcome common obstacles to effective camera operation

Conduct effective building inspections using infrared thermography

Utilize and manipulate thermal windows to collect useful infrared data

Conduct infrared inspections of building exteriors

Conduct infrared inspections of roof structures

Conduct infrared inspections of building electrical systems

Conduct infrared inspections of building interiors

(Also Formerly Certified As A CBST Through Flir)

Infrared Building Science Training

What is Building Science?

Infrared building science is the application of infrared (IR) thermographic inspection techniques as a powerful and noninvasive means of monitoring and diagnosing the condition of buildings. IR cameras in the hands of trained thermographers can provide immediate documentation of as-built, pre- and post-restoration conditions, post-casualty Cause and Origin data, plumbing and building envelope water leakage, post-flood and fire water-damaged material assessment, energy use inefficiency, and electrical problems.

Insurance companies, restoration firms, building owners, and thermographers already involved in building maintenance and operations require a thorough applications training curriculum leading to certification in infrared building science.

Our CBS Thermographers were required to submit to hours of training & testing and thereafter submit an actual field project report within 30 days for grading prior to achieving certification. A mandatory re-certification is required every two years. Recertification is $1,750 each.