Infrared imaging can be an added tool aiding in the consulting process.

Moisture In Plaster Wall

Moisture Undetected In Plaster Wall

When a water damage loss occurs mold damage could result and if you carry insurance on your building mold limits within your policy conditions will also come into play.

Some buildings or homes are fabricated with drywall or plaster covering the ceiling and wall framing. Homes built many years ago may have drywall over existing plaster. Drywall and plaster are not the same and when water damage is involved will dry at different rates. When plaster is involved advanced drying techniques and other factors come into play, i.e. what materials were utilized at the time of construction, i.e. vinyl asbestos floor tile (VAT), and plaster with asbestos. Newer materials used to fabricate or improve the building over time may contain asbestos. Are there multilayer ceiling and wall

Moisture Dected Under IR: Gray Palette

Moisture Dected Under IR: Gray Palette

coverings involved which will hinder the drying process. Infrared can be utilized to determine if this condition is hindering the drying process. Prior to demolition of any building materials paints with lead must be considered – especially when tenants are involved.

Both asbestos and lead paint potential must be seriously taken into consideration prior to alteration, manipulation, and or removal of building materials. Asbestos and lead paint laws can have a large impact upon the cost to restore the water loss. Typically this is more evident when plaster walls are involved as compared to drywall although, according to the EPA, some drywall compounds (mud) also contained asbestos.

Additionally, when plaster walls or ceilings are involved, it is not as apparent when attempting to distinguish water migration as compared to drywall – that is when infrared is becomes very helpful.

Additionally, infrared imaging (or thermal imaging) can help determine the limit and/or extent of the

Plaster Wall: Visable Moisture Under IR - Iron Palette

Plaster Wall: Visible Moisture Under IR - Iron Palette

moisture migration – this is also called water mapping.

At EATechs thermal imaging is an important aspect of the water damage investigation. With thermal imaging we can determine much more quickly the cause and origin of the water damage.

This is important to both the insurance carrier and the insured. Time is saved and the restorative process moved along in a more timely manor. Additionally, construction defects issues are more quickly determined resulting in much lower attorneys cost. Once the cause and origin are determined liability and settlement of claims can be resolved.