When You Hire EATechs, You Hired A Knowledgeable Consultant

When you call EATechs you can be assured you have called the right company to conduct air quality sampling and indoor environmental investigations. EATechs professionals are certified in many various aspects of dealing with indoor air quality complaints.   EATechs also understand there are many factors that may influence the air you breath, i.e. positive and negatives pressures with a specific location which may be contributing or drawing from a source.

Can My Pet(s) Be Attributing To Poor Air Quality In MY Home?

EATechs not only conducts but is also familiar with commercial and residential environments. We understand you have and love your pets. If these pets are contributing to the poor air quality we may be able to help you develop alternatives allowing you to continue enjoying your extended family.

Could The Water Leak Be Attributing To The Poor Air Quality In My Home?

If water damage is an issue, EATechs also comes with years of understanding the water damage restoration and restorative building trades and how these trades inpact the air you breath.  Skipping steps or not recognizing proper and adiquate proceedures can cause adverse conditions which may greatly impac the your home and personal possesions. Call us for an indoor air quality evaluation today.